Mozilla KampagneCoffee bike

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Together with Mozilla Firefox, we executed a creative guerrilla campaign under the motto "Challenge the default". Our aim was to encourage people to consciously choose their browser. In light of the release of the new iPhone 15 Pro, we organized a promotion in front of both Apple Stores in Berlin to reach people in line. Early in the morning, we distributed free coffee from our branded coffee bike. A QR code directly led to the download of Firefox. The campaign was a resounding success and even went viral online. Our goal to generate attention for Firefox and show people that an iPhone doesn't require Safari was achieved.

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Coffee Bike

The coffee ape enticed customers outside the Apple Store with fragrant coffee and charming retro flair.


Fly Posting

Mozilla advertises its latest innovations in the web browser realm with eye-catching flyposters in Berlin.


Reverse Graffiti

Using reverse graffiti in Berlin, Mozilla environmentally promotes its innovative browser features for a clean online experience.



The LED bikes illuminate the streets of Berlin, capturing all eyes with their vibrant advertising.



Schillerpromenade 39
12049 BerlinGermany

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