Air UpCampaign

In Berlin, Air Up conducted an impressive advertising campaign to reach new customers. In addition to flyer postings, they also employed innovative methods such as projector projections at the Reichstag and ground stickers on the city streets. We supported them in executing this action professionally. Through targeted planning and creative implementation, we contributed to the campaign garnering attention and successfully promoting the product.


Beamer ADs

Air Up hosted an impressive projector campaign at the Reichstag to draw attention to their revolutionary flavored water bottle.


Fly Posting

The flyposting campaign aimed at expanding the target audience was a creative step to attract new prospects and strengthen brand awareness.


Floor Graphics

They also incorporated urban art with Floor Graphics to stylishly promote their revolutionary flavored water bottle.


Video Production

Air Up bolstered their campaign with a captivating video that powerfully conveyed their message and garnered attention.



Schillerpromenade 39
12049 BerlinGermany

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